On an episode of MBCŌĆÖs I Live Alone aired on the afternoon of the 29th, Hwang Chan Sung visited Jang Woo YoungŌĆÖs house and naturally started cooking. He surprised everyone with his cooking skills. Hwang Chan Sung was seen to cook Cheonggukjang, spicy stir-fried pork, and salmon stone pot rice for his friend. Jang Woo Young exclaimed, ŌĆ£I canŌĆÖt believe youŌĆÖre back from the army.ŌĆØ He also seemed truly happy at the meal Chan Sung had prepared for him. As he took a snap of the table while smiling, the panels of the show stated that this was the happiest he has looked so far. Jang Woo Young was also seen chatting to Hwang Chan Sung non-stop. As the latter remained speechless, Woo Young jokingly asked whether he was listening to him. Members of I Live Alone, named the Rainbow Members, was shocked at how much Woo Young actually talks. The singer also started reminiscing saying, ŌĆ£I really hated how it was in the past.ŌĆØ Hwang Chan Sung also agreed, saying that they worked out crazily back in the day. ŌĆ£We had to work out every day. Even when our schedules finished at 2 a.m., we went to the gym. We didnŌĆÖt return to our place but had to go to the gym with our makeup on and hair set. After about 2 hours of working out, we would then wash and go to schedules,ŌĆØ Woo Young confessed. Jang Woo Young also prepared a special gift, which was a whiteboard and a marker. He suggested the other write up a plan for 2PMŌĆÖs activities this year. Hwang Chan Sung mentioned the new album as he said, ŌĆ£WeŌĆÖre coming back this year. So there are plenty of things to prepare for.ŌĆØ Through an interview, Jang Woo Young revealed, ŌĆ£2PM has been taking a hiatus off stage for nearly 5 years. I think being on stage is everything for a singer. I miss it so much.ŌĆØ In the same episode, the two also threw it back and danced to 2PMŌĆÖs hit songs. Both of them surprised the Rainbow Members as they remembered all the moves to the songs. ┬Ā Source (1)